Big Science

Fusion for Energy visits SUPRASYS

During the morning of the 29th of June, SUPRASYS received the visit of Iván Moya from Fusion for Energy. He is presently co-responsible of the radio frequency (RF) group of the high intensity accelerator LIPAc in Rokkasho, Japan ( During the event, the project status was explained, as well as the future next steps. It was also described in detailed the LIPAc RF system. From SUPRASYS side, a presentation of the company was performed, and the most important projects of…

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SUPRASYS in the Innovation applied to Innovation Technology Transfer Workshop

SUPRASYS has participated the 25th of October in the Innovation applied to Innovation Technology Transfer Workshop. The event was held in the Maxwell auditory at the synchrotron light source ALBA in Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. SUPRASYS made a company oral presentation, as well as some successful cases where the technology transfer played a relevant role. (SUPRASYS-EN-ALBA). There was a guided visit to the accelerator during the event, including the visits to several experimental lines, as the one shown in…

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SUPRASYS in the “Mutual Knowledge Workshop” at the Astronomic Observatory of Yebes

The past 1st of October, SUPRASYS has participated in the so-called “Mutual Knowledge Workshop” in the Astronomical Observatory of Yebes (Guadalajara, Spain). This event consists in a meeting between managers and technical staff of the observatory and Spanish enterprises relate to the Big Science Industry sector. It was organized by the association INEUSTAR and the technology platform INDUCIENCIA. During the workshop, it was explained by the Observatory the actual facilities and techniques employed there, as well as the near-term upgrade…

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SUPRASYS in the 14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology

SUPRASYS has attended the 14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, celebrated in Budapest from 22nd to 27th of September 2019. The most important agents related to this challenging technology have attended, trying to bring the energy of stars to Earth. SUPRASYS has also attended a parallel event the 24th of September, consisting in a round table and a networking lunch with Hungarian and Czech Institutions and companies, organized by ICEX and INEUSTAR, where SUPRASYS presented its experience and capacities…

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SUPRASYS has entered in the Spanish Science Industry Association INEUSTAR

During the past INEUSTAR annual Assembly held the past 24th of July 2019, SUPRASYS was approved as a new member of the Association. The Spanish Science Industry Association, INEUSTAR, is a Spanish, non-profit, professional and private association of industrial companies dedicated to conception, design, construction, exploitation and maintenance of the scientific instruments and facilities, in order to contribute to the progress of science and technology, as well as to the strengthening of the innovation. INEUSTAR’s scope of action is the…

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