

Between the 23rd and the 28th of April, it was held the first edition of the XSCITECH DONES SCHOOL. It was organized by the consortium IFMIF-DONES and the University of Granada. The course has been focused in scientific and technological aspects. In one hand, the effects of radiation in the structural fusion material, and on the other hand, a in-depth study of the facility IFMIF-DONES. SUPRASYS is working together with the consortium IFMIF-DONES and other companies in the development of…

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SUPRASYS participates in the workshop INNODAY 2023 about electromagnetic simulation

The workshop was organized by Dassault Systèms and Principia, and it was held at the Hotel 10 Itaca in Barcelona, closed to the High-Speed Rail station of Sants. It was centered on the electromagnetic simulations facing the present challenges of industry. During the workshop, companies of different sectors have presented case studies comprising static magnetic field, low and high frequency and fotonics. On behalf of Suprasys, a speech was presented with the title “Mutiphysics simulation for the design of a…

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Fusion for Energy visits SUPRASYS

During the morning of the 29th of June, SUPRASYS received the visit of Iván Moya from Fusion for Energy. He is presently co-responsible of the radio frequency (RF) group of the high intensity accelerator LIPAc in Rokkasho, Japan ( During the event, the project status was explained, as well as the future next steps. It was also described in detailed the LIPAc RF system. From SUPRASYS side, a presentation of the company was performed, and the most important projects of…

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SUPRASYS wish you a Merry Christmas and a sucessfull 2021

In this so special time of the year, from SUPRASYS, we like to remember all those important people for us. It is a moment when we review the year that is currently being finalized. 2020, certainly, has united all us in the great personal and professional challenges we have faced. In SUPRASYS, we are already looking forward to 2021. We are sure that it will offer great opportunities, and we wish with all our heart that you participate in them.…

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SUPRAYS in ACERCA, the introducing program Big Science Industry – Canary Astrophysics Institute (IAC). The program generates a technological cooperation space between the Canary Astrophysics Institute (IACTEC) and the companies belonging to the Spanish Big Science Technology Platform (INDUCIENCIA), in collaboration with the Spanish Science Industry Association (INEUSTAR). During the period comprising the 19th to 23rd of October, crew of SUPRASYS has participated in meetings, corporative presentations and visits to IAC headquarters and laboratories. Teide Observatory Scientific instruments were also…

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Brochure about Spanish Capacities in the Large Scientific Facilities by CDTI

The Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI acronym in Spanish) has published a brochure about the Spanish enterprises with Capacities in Large Scientific Facilities, including SUPRASYS. This brochure includes maps of capacities in the fields of Astronomy, Fusion and Particle Physics. To download it, this link points to CDTI web page.

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Letter to SUPRASYS collaborators about COVID-19

Dear collaborators,   From SUPRASYS, we want to send a strong message of encouragement with the exceptional events occurred in last time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From our side, we keep the activity as well as the job positions. We have taken all the actions required by the Competent Authorities in order to avoid infection spreading. Furthermore, we will put all our effort and dedication to contribute to the return to the health, economics, and business normality. We do…

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Spain – Republic of Korean business forum

SUPRASYS has participated in the Spain Republic of Korea Business forum. The event was celebrated in Seoul, from 23th to 25th October. It has been a good opportunity for first approach with high-tech companies in Korea, and strengthen collaboration ties between the two countries. Our grateful for the extraordinary organization of ICEX and Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in Seoul. More information in the following link.  

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SUPRASYS in the Innovation applied to Innovation Technology Transfer Workshop

SUPRASYS has participated the 25th of October in the Innovation applied to Innovation Technology Transfer Workshop. The event was held in the Maxwell auditory at the synchrotron light source ALBA in Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. SUPRASYS made a company oral presentation, as well as some successful cases where the technology transfer played a relevant role. (SUPRASYS-EN-ALBA). There was a guided visit to the accelerator during the event, including the visits to several experimental lines, as the one shown in…

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