
SUPRASYS participates in the workshop INNODAY 2023 about electromagnetic simulation

The workshop was organized by Dassault Systèms and Principia, and it was held at the Hotel 10 Itaca in Barcelona, closed to the High-Speed Rail station of Sants. It was centered on the electromagnetic simulations facing the present challenges of industry. During the workshop, companies of different sectors have presented case studies comprising static magnetic field, low and high frequency and fotonics. On behalf of Suprasys, a speech was presented with the title “Mutiphysics simulation for the design of a…

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SUPRASYS in the Innovation applied to Innovation Technology Transfer Workshop

SUPRASYS has participated the 25th of October in the Innovation applied to Innovation Technology Transfer Workshop. The event was held in the Maxwell auditory at the synchrotron light source ALBA in Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. SUPRASYS made a company oral presentation, as well as some successful cases where the technology transfer played a relevant role. (SUPRASYS-EN-ALBA). There was a guided visit to the accelerator during the event, including the visits to several experimental lines, as the one shown in…

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SUPRASYS in the “Mutual Knowledge Workshop” at the Astronomic Observatory of Yebes

The past 1st of October, SUPRASYS has participated in the so-called “Mutual Knowledge Workshop” in the Astronomical Observatory of Yebes (Guadalajara, Spain). This event consists in a meeting between managers and technical staff of the observatory and Spanish enterprises relate to the Big Science Industry sector. It was organized by the association INEUSTAR and the technology platform INDUCIENCIA. During the workshop, it was explained by the Observatory the actual facilities and techniques employed there, as well as the near-term upgrade…

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