Between the 23rd and the 28th of April, it was held the first edition of the XSCITECH DONES SCHOOL. It was organized by the consortium IFMIF-DONES and the University of Granada. The course has been focused in scientific and technological aspects. In one hand, the effects of radiation in the structural fusion material, and on the other hand, a in-depth study of the facility IFMIF-DONES.
SUPRASYS is working together with the consortium IFMIF-DONES and other companies in the development of several components for the accelerator. And it is participating in this course with two people.
As lecturers, high level staff has been selected. Those lecturers belong to the own IFMIF-DONES consortium, as well as CIEMAT, University of Granada, F4E, KIT, or PRINCETON among other important companies, universities, and other Spanish and international entities.
The venue of the course has been the Architecture School of the University of Granada, while the lecturers and students have been lodged in the historical building “La corrala de Santiago”.